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Airport Transfers Newquay


What do Penelope Cruz, Princess Alexia of Greece, and Katie Downes have in common? All of them travelled and stayed in Lanzarote, and all probably used a private airport transfer to their villas when they vacationed in Lanzarote.

For the rest of us there are plenty of convenient options for Lanzarote airport transfer - including private Airport Transfers Newquay. So what is an airport transfer anyway? An airport transfer is transportation between the airport and your destination - your hotel, resort, or villa. While you can certainly just grab a taxi, an airport transfer is typically booked as part of your regular bookings for air and hotel, and the transfer is billed at a flat rate. With a taxi, you can't book one ahead of time (as part of your trip), you don't know how much the fare will be, and the taxi driver could take you on a longer route to increase the fare.

There are two types of transfers - shared and private, and each has its advantages. Regardless of the type you use, you'll have one less thing to worry about because your transportation to your villa or hotel when you arrive and to the airport when you leave are booked. Transfer back to the airport is booked so that you arrive at the airport three hours ahead of your departure time, so there's no guess-work and you don't have to worry about traffic conditions - the experts will handle these details for you.

People that use a wheelchair can also use Lanzarote airport transfers - some providers offer vehicles with ramps and lifts to assist people who use a wheelchair. Please advise of your needs when booking to ensure that the proper vehicle is available when you arrive.

People travelling with children that require baby seats should advise their agent at the time of booking. Baby seats are available for a supplementary fee of about five euros. Advise your travel agent at the time of your booking to ensure availability of the baby seat when you arrive.

Airport Transfers Newquay are the most affordable. Hotels usually offer shared airport transfer services using a per person rate. The vehicle can be a 15 passenger mini-bus that accommodates passengers with their luggage - one piece of carry-on luggage and one suitcase. Large sports equipment like a surf-board or bicycle is considered excess baggage and can be carried on the vehicle for an extra fee. Shared airport transfers do not service destinations in non-tourist areas or private properties.

You may have to wait up to 45 minutes for your shared transfer bus, or may have to wait in the bus at the airport for passengers from other flights. Travel times vary based on the number of drop-off points. Some hotels have more than one location so your bus may drop-off passengers at points along the way to your destination.

Private airport transfers offer the most flexibility. Private transfer vehicles may be a car or mini-bus, depending on the number of people travelling. Private transfer vehicles are for your exclusive use during your trip to or from the airport, so you won't drop off other passengers along the way. Private transfer services leave when you are ready, so there is minimal waiting. Private transfer service includes luggage handling and there are no restrictions on the amount or size of luggage you carry - just advise your agent at the time of booking to ensure that the right type of vehicle is available for you. Private airport transfer service services any point that's reachable by road - without the restrictions imposed by shared airport transfers.


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